Mouth Guards For Sleeping [All The Facts]

Mouth Guards For Sleeping

Teeth grinding and bruxism can cause various dental issues and disrupt your sleep. A mouth guard for sleeping is a simple yet effective solution that can protect your teeth and alleviate associated discomfort. We will explore the different types of guards, how to choose the right one, the benefits of using them, tips for comfortable wear, and debunk common misconceptions.

Using a Mouthguard for Sleeping [BENEFITS]

The main advantage of using a mouth guard for sleep is the protection it offers to your teeth. Grinding your teeth (or bruxism) can exert excessive force on your teeth, resulting in:

  1. Enamel erosion
  2. Chips
  3. Fractures
  4. Potentially losing teeth
  5. and MORE!

A mouth guard serves as a cushioning barrier, absorbing the impact of clenching and grinding. Mouthguards do all of this while redistributing the pressure evenly throughout the guard which helps reduce the risk of dental damage and preserves the strength of your teeth.

Teeth grinding and clenching can place strain on your jaw muscles, leading to jaw pain, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, and tension headaches. A properly fitted mouth guard helps to reduce muscle tension by providing a cushioning effect and preventing direct contact between the upper and lower teeth. This can help alleviate jaw pain and headaches associated with bruxism, promoting greater comfort and relaxation.

Bruxism can significantly disrupt your sleep, leading to frequent awakenings throughout the night. The grinding noises can disturb your sleep and the sleep of your partner as well. By wearing a mouth guard for sleeping, you can minimize the grinding sounds, allowing for a quieter sleep environment. The reduction in discomfort and pain associated with teeth grinding can also contribute to better sleep quality, enabling you to wake up feeling more refreshed and rejuvenated.

Teeth grinding can lead to muscle tension not only in the jaw but also in the surrounding areas, such as the neck, face, and shoulders. The strain on these muscles can cause discomfort and contribute to overall muscle fatigue. A mouth guard helps to alleviate muscle tension by providing a cushioning effect and reducing the intensity of clenching and grinding. This can help promote relaxation in the muscles and relieve associated discomfort.

If you have dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, or veneers, they may be vulnerable to the excessive forces generated by teeth grinding. A mouth guard acts as a protective barrier, shielding these restorations from damage and prolonging their lifespan. By wearing a mouth guard, you can safeguard your dental investments and reduce the need for costly repairs or replacements.

A mouth guard for sleeping offers many benefits. These include protecting teeth from damage, relieving jaw pain and headaches, enhancing sleep quality, decreasing muscle tension, and protecting dental restorations. Whether you have occasional bruxism or chronic teeth grinding, a mouth can provide an effective solution for maintaining your oral health and promoting a peaceful night's sleep.


Different Types of Mouth Guards Used For Sleeping

There are many factors you need to account for when choosing a night guard. Consider factors such as the severity of your teeth grinding, your budget, and your personal comfort preferences. Based on your needs you may land on one of these types:

Custom Fitted Mouth Guards

These are the gold standard for protection against teeth grinding and bruxism. They provide superior protection compared to other types of guards. These type of guards are created specially for you through a process that involves taking impressions of your teeth, which are then used to fabricate a custom-fit mouthguard for your unique smile!

Buying A Custom Fitted Mouth Guard: ClearClub offers FDA approved custom-fit mouth guards online without the hassle or expense of going to the dentist! You can purchase a custom-fit night guard either from ClearClub or from a dental professional (for a much higher cost). Find out more about the cost of a night guard by visiting our recent blog post!

Boil-and-bite Mouth Guards

Boil-and-bite night guards offer a semi-customizable fit without the need for professional assistance. These guards are made of thermoplastic material that softens when immersed in hot water. Once softened, the guard is placed in your mouth, and you bite down to create a mold that matches the shape of your teeth. This method allows for some level of customization, providing a better fit compared to stock mouth guards however, these guards are also a one-size-fits all product meaning they will likely not fit as well as a custom made mouthguard.

Buying A Boil-n-Bite Mouth Guard: Boil-and-bite guards are readily available in most sporting goods stores and pharmacies, making them a convenient OTC night guard option.

Stock Mouth Guards

Stock mouth guards are pre-made and come in standard sizes. These guards are typically available in small, medium, and large sizes. The fit can be bulky and may require adjustments to ensure it stays in place during sleep. While stock guards may not offer the same level of precision fit, they still provide a level of protection for those with light to mild teeth grinding or for occasional use.

Buying a Stock Mouth Guard: Stock mouth guards are the most affordable/ cheapest option and can be purchased without the need for any customization. However, since they are not tailored to your teeth, they may not fit as snugly or comfortably as custom-fit or boil-and-bite guards.

Choosing the Right Mouth Guard

When selecting a mouth guard for sleeping, it's important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Factors to consider include the severity of your teeth grinding or bruxism, the shape of your mouth and teeth, and any existing dental conditions. If you have severe bruxism or have received recommendations from a dentist, a custom-fit mouth guard may be the best option. For milder cases, a boil-and-bite or stock mouth guard might be suitable.

It is highly recommended to seek professional advice from a dentist or dental specialist when choosing a night guard. They can evaluate your specific condition and provide personalized recommendations based on their expertise. If they do end up recommending a custom guard, don’t feel forced into getting it from them. ClearClub can also create a custom-fit mouth guard that offers the best protection and comfort at a much more competitive price.

Mouth guards are made from different materials, each with its own advantages and durability. Common materials include:

  • Hard acrylic - This material provides durability and is often used for custom-fit mouth guards. It offers excellent protection against teeth grinding and bruxism.
  • Soft materials -These guards are typically made of silicone or rubber-like materials. They offer comfort and flexibility, making them suitable for mild to moderate teeth grinding. However, they may not provide the same level of protection as hard acrylic guards.
  • Dual-laminated - These mouth guards consist of a soft inner layer for comfort and a hard outer layer for durability and protection. They offer a balance between comfort and effectiveness.

When considering material, take into account factors such as comfort, durability, ease of cleaning, and any specific sensitivities or allergies you may have.

When considering material, take into account factors such as comfort, durability, ease of cleaning, and any specific sensitivities or allergies you may have.

Mouth Guard Costs

Cost is another important factor to consider when choosing a mouth guard. Custom-fit guards , as we have discussed, are typically more expensive but offer the best fit and protection. Boil-and-bite mouth guards are a more affordable option and can be molded at home, but they may not provide the same level of precision as custom-fit guards. Stock mouth guards are the least expensive option and readily available, but they often lack the tailored fit and may not be as comfortable.

Balance your budget with the level of protection and comfort you require. Remember that investing in a high-quality mouth guard can save you money in the long run by preventing dental damage and reducing the need for costly dental treatments. Especially if that high-quality guard is from ClearClub and is not going to break your bank.

Tips for Wearing a Mouth Guard Comfortably

By following these tips for wearing a mouth guard comfortably, you can enhance your overall experience and maximize the benefits of using a mouth guard for sleeping.

  1.  Proper fitting and adjustments: A well-fitting mouth guard is crucial for comfort during sleep. Follow the instructions provided with your mouth guard to ensure a proper fit. For custom-fit mouth guards, consult your dentist for accurate measurements and adjustments. With boil-and-bite mouth guards, carefully follow the molding process to achieve a comfortable fit. If necessary, make minor adjustments to the mouth guard to ensure it stays securely in place without causing any discomfort or irritation.
  2. Establishing a routine: Incorporate wearing the mouth guard into your bedtime routine to make it feel natural and effortless. Put the mouth guard on after completing your oral hygiene routine, just before getting into bed. By making it a consistent part of your nighttime ritual, you're more likely to remember to wear it and become accustomed to its presence.
  3. Gradual adaptation: It may take a few nights to adapt to wearing a mouth guard. Initially, it might feel bulky or slightly uncomfortable. However, give yourself time to adjust, as the discomfort often diminishes over time. Start by wearing the mouth guard for short periods during the day to get used to the sensation before wearing it throughout the night.
  4. Avoid teeth clenching: While a mouth guard provides protection against grinding, it's important to try to consciously avoid clenching your teeth during the day. Clenching can place unnecessary pressure on the jaw and make wearing the mouth guard less comfortable. Practice stress-reducing techniques, such as deep breathing and jaw relaxation exercises, to minimize clenching and promote overall comfort.
  5. Regular cleaning and maintenance: Keep your mouth guard clean to ensure optimal hygiene and comfort. Rinse the mouth guard with cool water after each use to remove any debris. Brush it gently with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to remove bacteria and plaque buildup. Additionally, soak the mouth guard in a denture cleaning solution or mouth guard cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions. Proper maintenance ensures the longevity of the mouth guard and prevents unpleasant odors or irritations.
  6. Store it properly: When not in use, store your mouth guard in a well-ventilated container to allow airflow and prevent moisture buildup. Avoid exposing it to extreme heat or direct sunlight, as it can affect the shape and material of the mouth guard. Storing the mouth guard properly not only helps maintain its hygiene but also ensures it stays in good condition for comfortable use.

Don't Risk Your Smile- Invest In The Best Mouth Guard For Sleeping

Teeth grinding and bruxism can have detrimental effects on your dental health and sleep quality. A mouth guard for sleeping is a valuable tool in combating these issues, protecting your teeth, and promoting a peaceful night's sleep. If you are looking for a guard that is affordable with maximum comfort and effectiveness, don't hesitate to check out ClearClub's custom made night guards! Choose the right mouth guard for sleeping, wear it comfortably, and reap the benefits of improved oral health and quality sleep.

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